Aladdin said to the genie: "Oh, servant of the lamp. We are hungry. Get us some dekicious food".

The food was soon ready. By the help of the genie of the lamp, Aladdin became very rich, and built a fine palace. As soon as he lived in this palace, he asked to marry the Sultan's daughter. The Sultan was pleased to marry his daughter "Badr El Budour" to Aladdin.
All the people of the palace loved Aladdin. His wife "Badr El Budour" was happy to be with her husband. After some yearsthe sultan charged Aladdin with a mission of an embassy; Aladdin left his wife and went to a far country.

The old wizard knew that Aladdin became rich, so he seizad the opportunity of his absence and entered his palace. He soon knew the fact that the magic lamp is in Aladdin's palace. He then pretended to be a wandering seller, and cried: "who wants to exchange his old lamps with new ones?" Badr El Budour was simple, so she gave him Aladdin's lamp and took a new lamp more beautiful and shinny instead. Soon, the old man rubbed the lamp and ordered the genie of the lamp to move Aladdin's palace with its dewellers to the desert.

When Aladdin came back home, he was surprised at the disappearing of his palace and at the Sultan's anger. So, he moved the ring around his finger and asked the genie to fly away seeking his wife and palace. As he finished, he was soon in the desert in front of his palace. Aladdin entered the palace, found the lamp, rubbed it and ordered its genie saying: "Oh, genie! kill this evil wizard, and return us to our country".
When the Sultan saw his daughter, he was very happy. Aladdin lived with his wife, Badr El budour, happily ans safely throughout their futur life.
The end.